Organic Lavender essential oil

8,50 лв.

Helps reduce acne.

  • It has a pleasant aroma with a soothing and relaxing effect.
  • Helps brighten skin and reduce wrinkles.
  • Accelerates cell regeneration processes.
  • Beneficially affects the removal of scars.
  • Reduces oiliness of the skin and hair.
  • Suitable for insomnia.
  • 5 ml

Beneficial for reducing cellulite.
100% чисто етерично масло от лавандула за спокоен сън
Suitable for problems with sleep.
Brightens the skin and reduces wrinkles.
Helps eliminate acne.
100% concentrated product! Do not apply directly to the skin!

Massage – 1 to 5 drops in 20 ml of base vegetable oil;

Bath – 10 to 15 drops on salts;

As an additive to ready-made cosmetic products – 1 to 5 drops per 100 ml;

As an additive to soaps – 1 to 9 drops per 100 ml.

Diffuser – 1 to 5 drops of oil.


Highly concentrated product! Do not swallow. Contraindicated for epileptics, pregnant and lactating women, children and people with individual intolerance to essential oils. Allergy test to be performed before use. In case of contact with eyes, wash thoroughly with water!

Luxury Feel & Subsequent Luxury Glow


(*Natural ingredients of lavender oil)

We deliver to anywhere
of Bulgaria!
one to two working days

Delivery is made through Speedy offices.

Handmade with Love and Care to
Nature, Animals and You

Care to Nature

100% Natural & Bio



Organic lavender essential oil. 

Organic lavender essential oil. 

Organic lavender essential oil. 

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