Tips for Beginners when Using Essential Oils
Tips for begginers when using essential oils
What is essential oil?
Essential oils are an aromatic mixture of the water vapour volatiles of essential oil plants, immiscible (or partially miscible) with water and readily soluble in organic solvents. The most commonly used method of obtaining them is by steam distillation. Because of their taste, aroma, biological properties, cosmetic effect and therapeutic possibilities, essential oils have a wide range of applications.
Can they be applied directly to the skin and in what quantity?
They are highly concentrated products and are contraindicated to apply directly to the skin. They need to be diluted in a base oil (e.g. coconut, argan, jojoba). And the packaging of each essential oil should indicate the permissible ratio (e.g. 100 ml of cocoa oil drip 5 drops of yarrow essential oil).
It is important to do an allergy test before use! – See how in our article “8 myths about essential oils“.
Are they suitable for oral use?
For oral use are suitable essential oils that are 100% pure and natural with no artificially added ingredients. It is recommended to consul an expert in aromatherapy or a medical professional before use.
Find out more in our article “8 myths about essential oils“.
Are they suitable for use by children, pregnant women and animals?
Consultation with an expert in the field is mandatory. There are essential oils that are contraindicated for all three groups. In children under 2 years their use is not recommended.
You can learn more in this article: Is the Use of Essential Oils by Pregnant Appropriate?
What are essential oils used for?
Their application is broad spectrum. Time is needed to study the properties of each essential oil. Their most familiar application is aromatherapy. You can also use it as an additive in ready-made cosmetic products to enhance the effect of the product, depending on the results we wish to achieve. Also for massages, baths, oral use, disinfection.
Some of the most common reasons for their use are:
Promote relaxation and calm (e.g. melissa, lavender); Mood booster (basil);
Reduce stress and tension (Roman chamomile, juniper berry);
Improve skin appearance (German chamomile, rose);
If you have not experienced the many actions of essential oils, here are some suitable for begginers: lavender, scotch pine, juniper berry.
Tips for begginers when using essential oils